Helping Hands Home Care of MN, Inc. is an independently family owned home care agency that was established in 2005.
Helping Hands Home Care of MN is recognized and Licensed in the state of Minnesota as a Comprehensive Home Care License that offers Personal Care Organization (PCPO) and PCA Choice agency with The Department of Health.
Helping Hands Home Care of MN offers a variety of services such as: Personal Cares, Homemaking Services, Respite Care, Companion Services, and RN Supervision on all staff.
Our goal is to always attain the highest quality of care that you need and deserve.
The joys of companionship for the elderly, the relief for parents of those in need of a break.
Our payor source for Home Care services are as follows:
MA (Medicaid), Blue Cross Blue Shield, Bridgeview, UCare, South Country Health Alliance, Medica, and Private Pay Insurance